Kramer Control: Tech that reduces Volunteer Stress


Why you no longer need to roster a tech team for mid-week or small gatherings...

What if instead of relying on production team volunteers for every small gathering, you could instead equip every department in your church to easily set up and adjust the audio, video, and lighting system, using just an iPad? 

Imagine a mid-week prayer meeting or a small group that uses the church’s auditorium. Maybe all they need is a couple of microphones and an iPhone to play through the speakers, a basic lighting look and a PowerPoint on screen. Sounds simple, right? But with so many things already on these volunteers’ plates, training them to operate complex production equipment to make this happen isn’t always an option. 

Consequently, even smaller gatherings now require one, or even multiple, production volunteers or staff members to be rostered. This can contribute to stressed-out and overwhelmed volunteers, sometimes resulting in burnout across the board, as well as churches unable to facilitate their gatherings and services.

Enter Kramer Control; an easy way to control all the production tech for your auditorium or meeting space, with just the touch of an iPad.  Kramer works by networking your existing or new equipment to make this possible, allowing otherwise complex systems to be operated without the need for extensive training. 

Beyond its versatility and power, Kramer is remarkably cost-effective, making it accessible to churches of all sizes. When considering the benefits it offers to your volunteers, it becomes clear – can you afford not to invest in Kramer?

We’ve been installing Kramer Systems for churches and schools across Australia, utilizing its flexibility to cover a wide range of different use cases. If you’re building a new space, looking to upgrade your system or are ready to make life so much easier for your volunteers, then Kramer might just be the best next step to take!

Trust us - you, your staff and your production team will be glad you did!

Ready to bring Kramer to your space?


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